Monday, February 25, 2013

Community~Post 4

People in this place can have as many children as they desire, they can worship what ever they please, but they may not worship evil or they shall torched on the spot. People in the villages, not including diplomats, receive the same or close to the same pay in coins, in which they use to buy items of value. The common language is English, but people are free to learn French, and Spanish. People from all different culture and race backgrounds are welcome here, but must accept most of the tribe's tradtions. Men in the tribe may also become diplomats, but must take an exam before entering this profession, they must start small, as a lawyer or instructer's helper, and work their way up to the higher professions such as judge, chief, or chairmen.

1 comment:

  1. I like how you can be in any religion except evil, but isn't torching kind of a bit too cruel?
