Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Wednesday, March 13, 2013


Odum Island represent a fantastic opportunity to own a large and small island in a fantastic location near the Tanzanian/Kenyan border in East Africa.

Kiuri and Shanganane Islands - Tanzania, Africa

Whats Perfect?~Post 10

Perfection, is a word everyone wants, or has wanted at some part in their life. But the truth perfection can never be, since no one or thing can be perfect whats the point in chasing after it. My utopia is not perfect, and will never be perfect, but i can always think that it is.

Architecture~Post 6

Each tribe would have the same, but different architecture then the other tribes. For example, some tribes would be poorer than other tribes therefore they would have smaller houses, but would have the same design as other tribes. Also each house would a stone cottage, lit only by lanturn light. The court house would be a giant buliding, about 3x larger then the other bulidings. The tribe's government would use the court as a meeting hall.

Government~Post 5

Is this place the utopia is divided into 4 tribes, 3 in which are used for living, while the 4th is set aside for diplomatic meetings between the tribes. Each tribe is ruled over by a chief, the chief looks over all of the activitys that occur in the tribe. Their is also a chairman, the chairman travels often to the 4th tribe to represent their own tribe, they are also judges in the court, they decide, after the evidence has been presented, if the the accused is gulity or not gulity. Lastly their is an instructer, the instructer places people in certain jobs based off a test they must take in order to be placed in a job. The instructer also can fire people from their jobs, change a person's job, and tell them what to do in their job.